The Performance Athlete

Thinking of applying for a selection course? This program works on your keys to success. Forget the heavy weights, you're going to need stamina and muscular endurance. And a lot of it.

Key Components in this program:

  • Running, Swimming, Rowing & Muscular Endurance Sessions
  • Improve your stamina for real world applications
  • Develop your muscular endurance
  • Significantly improve your running
  • Build Functional Strength through specific training
  • Improve on the vital components of any selection course; Running, Weighted Running, Swimming, Pack Marching, Push Ups, Chin Ups & Burpees 
  • 6 days per week, up to 2 sessions per day
  • 15 Week Program + 1 Benchmark Week
  • Rest, Recovery & Periodisation
  • Tangible results for the real world


*Not applying for a selection course, but still want to train like you could? The Performance Athlete is for you. There are built in options for non-military applications as well. 

**This is an extremely high output program. We strongly recommend the addition of a meal plan with this program. That's not a sell, it's a warning. Eating for performance has completely different implications than eating for aesthetic reasons.

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