



Our Donations to date:


In 2018 & 2019 we have donated a total of $800 worth of products to members of the Queensland Police Service for their annual Brett Forte Memorial WOD. Raffles were held to raise more than $10,000 collectively, to be donated to Police Legacy.
Click here for more information.

Approximately 2pm on Monday the 29th of May 2017 in Toowoomba QLD Senior Constable Brett Forte was tragically shot and killed by a gunman whilst on duty in the Lockyer Valley.  Brett died while trying to save his partner’s life after their patrol car was peppered with a volley of bullets by the gunman. He is a “hero” in every sense of the word.
Brett was 41 years old, husband to fellow police officer Susie and father-of-three beautiful children.


That’s right, Matt Williams raised $51,921 in 8 weeks for the Cure Brain Cancer Charity.

A massive thank you to everyone who has been a part of this, flipping tyres, attending events and helping spread the word. To all those who have donated, bloody legends! The funds raised were donated to Cure Brain Cancer 25/11/2018.


Big Willy funded and backed 16 events nationally, paid for the permits and paid for his own travel. Matt did this to make sure every cent that was kindly donated by you, made it to the fund as intended.

What a man.



We use our network, contacts and experience to vet which individuals or organisations to donate to. Anyone with a military or police background knows that not all charities are as charitable as they say they are. We aim to provide legitimate causes with our time, effort and money raised with your assistance.