VETMMA Singlet

ALL PROCEEDS TO VETERANS MMA CHARITY. We are selling these on their behalf to raise cash for the program.

Why? Because we train with them and they're absolute GC's. Veterans MMA is a program which provides free MMA classes to veterans. This collaboration is aimed at helping them raise funds to support the project. If you want to support the program, you can buy a tee, donate or come along. 

Tap: VETERANS MMA INSTAGRAM for more information.


These tees are a 100% cotton, and a different fit & feel than our OG tees.


VETERANS MMA Program Scope:

Despite the variety of modern clinical methods, nobody has found the best approach towards the complexities of post military life. While one veteran might experience benefits from programs that seek to improve relaxation through courses that include yoga and meditation, it’s become obvious that a one size fits all approach isn’t going to be helpful in all cases. Veterans find themselves in a cohort of the population that prefer risk taking behaviour, an unconventional treatment might serve to reach an itch that relaxation courses just can’t scratch.

Veterans who become members of communities who practice combat sports have reported significant efficacy towards a positive change in their life. When a veteran stumbles upon a sanctuary in their post war life, they naturally want to tell other veterans of its location. Our founding veterans James Osbourne and Ash Pendergast have collaborated with leading coaches and athletes in the combat sports industry to produce a program designed by Veterans exclusively for Veterans.

Modern ‘participation certificate’ culture regularly sits at odds with the values veterans hold dear. It’s a mistake to confuse a veteran’s decision to leave military life behind with a desire to leave a community that values discipline, courage, and integrity.




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