Week 10 - 1.2

Week 10 - 1.2 "Stability Circuit"

June 08, 2018

Week 10 - 1.2 "Stability Circuit"

  • 6 Rounds to a 4 sec cadence of:
  • 20x Single Arm Overhead Kettlebell Lunge walk @ 16kg
  • 15x Cadence Push Ups
  • 8x Cadence Heaves
  • 8x Cadence Barbell Row
  • Rest 1 minute after each round

Continuous work, maintain the cadence, form and discipline. There is no time to beat in this circuit, just get it done, properly.

Notice there is a cadence, but not for all exercises. Ask questions below if you've got any. Regarding the Lunge walk: 

  • Kettlebell Lunge walk is not to be conducted at a cadence pace

Make sure you warm up correctly prior to commencing.
For those unclear on what a cadence is, this is the part that makes this workout difficult. It forces you to maintain form and discipline. You hold at the top and bottom of the cadence. 2 seconds at the top, 2 at the bottom. Strict form and tight core for the entire range of movement. If you don’t have a cadence app, count in your head, or out loud if you like pissing people off.

If you are unable to maintain the cadence or the weight, lower weight and/or finish the workout without maintaining the cadence. Never sacrifice form for repetitions.

IF you are not at the standard where you are able to attempt or complete these, or you want a program to improve at any of these activities, have a look at our Complete Strength & Conditioning Program, successfully completing this program will bring you to the level where you are able to set competitive times in workouts like these. You should already have a firm base before attempting this volume of training and our programs are developed to get you there.

1. Before conducting any physical activity we recommend seeing a medical practitioner or health specialist.
2. Do not attempt any activity if you are injured or suffering any medical condition without consulting a physician or health specialist.
3. Skilled Athlete and the Author accept no liability for any injury sustained while participating in activities mentioned in this WOD. By conducting the program you as the individual or group accept full liability.
4. We recommend using serviced and functional equipment to conduct all activities.
5. All advice is only given as a guide. Skilled Athlete accept no liability for damages sustained as a result.

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