Our Vision & Goal

Our Vision & Goal

August 26, 2018 1 Comment


Skilled Athlete started from humble beginnings. As a brand we started with an idea and a goal, we didn't have much capital so we started with two t-shirts and a single Strength & Conditioning e-book. We sold these through a buy button on our Facebook page which cost us $9 a month, we didn’t even have a website or Instagram page at this stage. Our growth might have been slow, but it has been organic. We’ve grown because you, our support, believe in us and continue to support us.

So where did the idea come from?

We originally looked across at the United States and the space that is being dominated by veterans turned entrepreneurs. We admired these companies for a couple of reasons. None of them are reinventing the wheel. They’re not doing anything that hasn’t been done before either. But what they are doing is tapping into a market and network that has been largely disregarded, until now. The most important part here is, just like us, they are not solely for profit organisations. They stand for something. They support their servicemen & women, and do so with part of their revenue. Our goal is, as we continue to scale, so will our ability to leverage our brand so we can continue to pay it forward.

Historically, all the big brands have looked to please everyone, to broaden their customer base and potential for revenue. Our take on this, is that we’re currently at a tipping point. People no longer want to support a business that is out to please everyone, because let’s be real, it is virtually impossible to make everyone happy.

The problem often is that aspiring brands wish to be universally loved. Unfortunately, universal love is neither achievable nor desirable. Instead, great brands are loved by some and hated by others because they actually stand for something.” 

Well, we do stand for something. We stand for our brothers & sisters. Those that have the internal drive and fortitude to do something bigger than themselves. Our goal is to continue to motivate, train, guide and supply anyone that wants to be better than they were yesterday. Be that in service of their country and community. The sky is not the limit.

No one was ever born great, anyone that has achieved greatness has worked hard for it. But, no one has ever achieved it alone, anyone that has ever achieved anything above average has done so with assistance in one way, shape or form. Mentors, coaches, friends, support networks, you name it. Seeking out others to help guide and assist you is not weak, weakness is created by not having the strength, clarity or mindset to reach out for help when and where it is needed.

Australia has a limited market when it comes to those who serve, but the possibilities are endless for those seeking to better themselves with the help of those who have served.

To our early and ongoing supporters, thank you! And to those who were sceptical about us, watch this space.

1 Response

Cam Sinclair
Cam Sinclair

March 26, 2019

I happened upon this brand quite by accident, but I am very glad that I did. Honestly, there are many, many sports and fitness brands out there vying for attention, but after reading a little about Skilled Athlete and their history and ethos, it is clear they are something special. While I have never served, I have always respected those that have and the fact that this company not only has a care for veterans at the core, but welcomes, supports and motivates all is brilliant! Also the quality of the product is top shelf. Don’t try to please everyone, stick to your core values it is what marks you guys as exceptional!
Top work!

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