At what point does political correctness supersede tradition and more importantly, when does it become dangerous?

At what point does political correctness supersede tradition and more importantly, when does it become dangerous?

April 19, 2018 5 Comments

Australia's Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Angus Campbell, has issued a directive that prohibits the wearing of 'death' symbols.

Lieutenant General Campbell said the practice was arrogant, ill-considered and that it eroded the ethos of the Army.

The directive was circulated as an internal minute on April 17, and later posted to unofficial social media pages for commentary.

Unfortunately for the ladies & gentlemen currently serving, they do not have the ability to speak out on ridiculous issues that come as a directive from a General. The corrosion of military capability by political correctness is real. And it is getting worse. There's plenty written about the psyche of combat, and how effective the art of intimidation actually is. We'll leave that one for a later date, for now we'll leave you with an open letter by Justin Hugget, MG. A former 2 RAR Platoon Sergeant. We encourage discussion on this, from serving and non-serving members. What are your thoughts?

Several symbols were specifically prohibited because of their violent, murderous and vigilante symbolism including the Grim Reaper, the Skull and Crossbones, Spartans, and the Phantom or Punisher.



Thanks to the ‘digger net’, I have read with great disappointment the message and direction you have recently released with regards to what most diggers and veterans would describe as a ‘soft politically correct militarily’ stance on the wearing of what you call death iconology (on platoon PT gear, apparel etc). As a soldier that served under you at the 2nd Battalion, it only disappointments me even further to read of this. Going the next step, the fact you yourself are an Infantry head spins with confusion!

I have read your statement multiple times to try make some sense of it. I found it so left of field and farcical; I thought it was actually a hoax? But now, I am just left wondering as to the levels of stupidity that this order can be interpreted or enforced. Humour me for a minute Sir, and let’s use the 2nd Battalion as an example. You’re calling these images death iconology. I ask you to consider the following. Have you seen the movie Jaws, based on a big nasty evil killer shark indiscriminately eating everyone in its path? Does the proud heritage of the Bravo Company Men and their Company logo of a Circling Shark disappear forever? I was a proud member of the Zulu’s whilst I served in Delta Company and in Afghanistan. Are these vicious killer savages too much to handle for the precious modern day Army? The popular TV show, Game of Thrones features fire breathing dragons that kill small children. Are the Charlie Company men and their Company Image of a Dragon going to give you nightmares? What about the2/4RAR Delta Company Road Runner? He without remorse affected the murdered of Wiley Coyote multiple times. Is this feathered beast from the depths of hell a concern to you and the public? Are you starting see the point here Sir? Even if we duck over the road to our brothers in arms at the 1st Battalion. They proudly have The Immortals, The Rebels, The Body Snatchers, The Dirty Dozen and The Morticians.

Let’s not forget my beloved Mortar Platoon, the most senior Platoon in the Battalion. Our emblem is the Grim Reaper, with the words “Dealers in Death”. I can tell you this with great certainty...the 1000s MAGGOTS that served in that Platoon will hand over their Reaper Shirts the day the Devil snowboards down the slopes of hell. Years of pride and history, gone because it’s allegedly offensive? Other than you Sir, offensive to who? Name the offended people or the group? I will bet you every cent I own the offended are the minority! Sounds much like modern day society to me?

Finally Sir, I draw your attention to the most feared emblem of violence, death, terror and war that’s currently used in the military. It just so happens to be the most revered and coveted of them all as well! You wear it; I am very fortune along with 1000s of others to have the honour and privilege of wearing it, The Infantry Combat Badge (ICB). A badge based around the bayonet, the most feared and gruesome up close and personal weapon on the battlefield. An emblem or icon that is matched by no other and has no other purpose in its existence other than inflicting extreme pain, bone chilling physical and psychological fear in your enemy and of course horrific death. Yet as Infantrymen, not only do we wear it with pride, it’s worn as the centre of importance above our medals on our ceremonial uniforms and suits! Men have it tattooed on them, flags of it fly in man caves and sheds, shirts and hats are emblazoned proudly with it. Are you going to ask the RSM Ceremonial to ban the ICB? This is the most violent emblem of death there is in our Military? Are you getting it yet, Sir?

The Army, in particular the Infantry, are a fighting force designed to kill! We are not and never should be a reflection of society, we are trained and programmed that way. Although it seems every effort is being made at the top levels to denigrate combat effectiveness, but that’s a discussion for another time. Colonel Tim Collins, a former CO of The Royal Irish has summed it up best for me...
“The Army has been taken over by the PC Brigade and it is putting lives at risk!”

Any decision you make Sir that denigrates the morale of the enlisted, flows on and denigrates combat power! A fighting unit with low morale and less than effective combat power...I don’t need to paint that picture for you. But it goes hand in hand with writing heart breaking letters to families! At present Sir, this decision is the most talked about thing in veteran forums at the moment...and in no way have I seen any remotely close to positive feedback, either on the decision itself or you personally. Any respect you wish to garner or grow of the enlisted men and women during your tenure as CDF is gone with this terrible idea. I doubt you will ever get it back.

I have no idea if this open letter will reach you. If it does, good. I do genuinely hope my comments are not taken in offense, as that has not been my intent at all. During my service I was never known for tact or manners. I was respected by my peers and subordinates for my brutal honesty and my willingness to call a spade a spade and if needed, to call it a useless bloody shovel!

Kind Regards,
Justin Huggett MG
Former 2RAR Platoon Sgt.



Mr. Justin Hugget, MG.

5 Responses


November 29, 2018

First this, and now that piece of shit song “wear my medals on the left.” All I can say is, I’m glad I’m no longer serving. The army has always had its faults, but at least I could always feel a pride in what I served at the time. Now, thanks to what is happening at the top, I’d be embarrassed to wear the uniform.


May 02, 2018

Mr Hugget, Justin – That was an excellent letter to General Angus Campbell, respectfully put and clear as a bell, the narrative which I have no doubt reflects the view of most serving and Ex ADF personnel from all services. – Thank you for your effort Justin – If you want someone to hand deliver that open letter my hand is up. Cheers to you Sir.
John Jones – Ex RAAF (Blue Orchids)

robert walkley
robert walkley

April 22, 2018

Any reply from the brass?

Gavin Lee
Gavin Lee

April 21, 2018

There will come a time when the younger generation of this country WILL NOT want to join the Military due to all of this PC BULLSHIT from General’s on high who think their s&%t don’t stink?
This bloke will be getting $800,000+ per year pay packet and he comes up with this GARBAGE. FFS how about focusing on more important matters such as IRIAN JAYA to our North and what the Indons are doing there????

Glen Brockhurst
Glen Brockhurst

April 20, 2018

Typical nonsense from long serving hierarchy who are hell bent on returning the military to what it was like when they were privates and nco’s failing to see that the people that serve and the military itself are nothing like what it was 10 -20 years ago, and as the wave of political correctness sweeps across our nation and the ongoing sanitation of how society perceives war and our soldiers role in it.Start worrying about something more important than what your troops have on their pt gear or patches they may wear down range .1st of the rank would stop letting politicians buying crap equipment that is of no use or doesn’t work or most of the time is grounded.Ensure your troops when returning have ample support to help them back into civilian life if thats possible seeing as i have been out for 30 years and still think and act like a grunt .The list goes on you get the picture.Feel sorry for the service men and women currently serving not easy going from 1 star to a 4 star cf everyday.

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