Balance - The Goal Killer

Balance - The Goal Killer

November 04, 2017

My aim is to try to keep this one short because I can feel my blood pressure starting to rise thinking about it.

What you are about to read applies to all facets of life.

F.O.M.O, other wise known as “fear of missing out”, has infiltrated deep into the modern human psyche. Clearly, the emergence and subsequent dominance of social media has played a huge role in making us feel like we are somehow always missing out on something.

Scrolling through your feed and seeing your friends holidaying and partying while you are stuck in the office pulling 13 hour days is obviously going to wreak havoc with your priorities and focus. I believe this has created the buzz around everyone sprouting the throw away cliché line “I need balance”.

Before you have an aneurysm and start yelling at your computer calling me a dickhead for thinking you can’t live without balance, let me explain a few things that I have encountered and learned over the years.

Balance to me means, no specific goals or desire to achieve a higher result! As an example – I have had numerous individuals over the years seek my advice on how to achieve a certain goal. The fucking second I start to lay down my plan for their specific circumstances they go to complete shut down mode and start spitting shit like “fuck that, I need balance in my life!”. Cool, I’m fucking more than happy for people to have “balance” and do mediocre shit, who the fuck am I to tell you how to live? But, when I am asked for my advice and opinion I will give it to you straight.

See, a certain fucked up little phenomenon has reared its ugly head called “I want shit for nothing”. Well, if it worked that way we would all be multi millionaires, running around jacked as fuck at about 3% body fat, without a worry in the world. Luckily there is a place that does exist for the delusional fucks out there, its called DISNEYLAND! Its a magical place where all your dreams come true and you get to skip around holding hands with Mickey Mouse!

Look, there are people who are content with doing a lot of things half ass, and I applaud them because they don’t whinge and bitch about where they are at, AWESOME. It’s the fuck bags that do fuck all, and still have the hide to whinge and bitch that nothing has happened for them? Wake the fuck up! You want that chiseled physique? haul your ass in the gym EVERY DAY and watch what you eat. You want to have more money than you know what to do with? Well then get the fuck out there and work your ass off to generate it.

It staggers the shit out of me that you have to actually remind people of this? I’m not trying to pull some Tony Robbins shit here, BUT, FUCKING HELL! Sacrifice is inevitable if you want to attain a certain goal, there is no way around it, under it or over it.

If you are happy and whinge free in your life right now well good on you, I am honestly happy as shit for you! If you are not, then you need to get tunnel vision on what it is you want, and start culling the time-wasting background shit!

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes that I have used more times than I can remember.

“Don’t be disappointed by the results you didn’t get, from the work you didn’t put in” 

– unkown 

Ash Yates

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