Age isn’t the problem!

Age isn’t the problem!

November 01, 2017

I throw up in my mouth every time I hear someone use their age as a major contributing factor for their piss poor state of health and well being.

Knocking on the door of 40 myself I can certainly understand the fascination with wanting to blame age as the culprit, because let’s be honest life gets hectic as fuck with work and family commitments, not to mention the changes we start to see from a biology point of view.

There is a very good reason why that middle age “mud guts” starts to balloon from the mid 30’s onward. Declining hormone profiles, stress, dwindling “spare” time, and the insane juggling act of raising a family and keeping a career on track all come together during this period to create somewhat of a perfect weight gain storm.

All of this chaos puts us in the perfect position to forgo what should always be the number one priority, and that is personal health and well being. See, without your health ALL other aspects of your life come crashing down. Abuse and neglect during this time can often lay the foundations for irreversible chronic illness/disease later down the track.

On top of all this we are inundated with 23 year old douche bags on Instagram telling us how easy it is and that everyone can look like a steroid saturated fuck stick! I have never been impressed with someones ability to stay in shape in their 20’s, even early 30’s, I’m more impressed by those that find a way to achieve results in their 40’s and beyond! That is the real test of one’s resolve and discipline. No matter where you are at in your journey it can always be turned around, but it will take insane amounts of discipline and patients to turn the tide. I know right? Not the shit you wanted to hear? I’m sorry to be the one to finally break it to you, but if you think it will be easy, and all it takes is some celebrity endorsed 8 week program, well then you will be chasing your tail for ever and a day

Trust me when I say that flogging the fuck out of yourself is NOT the answer, it becomes a case of playing it smarter not harder! I operate on the 90/10 rule, meaning that what you eat and drink is 90% of the equation and, the remaining 10% is exercise. You can absolutely make MEGA fucking progress by just being more accountable in regards to what, and how much you eat. Personally I am a hell of a lot more concerned with the ‘what’ than the ‘how much’. There is no doubt calories absolutely play a role at some point, but it is the quality of the foods you consume that have the greatest impact!

So, as you can see age has ZERO bearing on your ability to gain control of your health. My suggestion would be to become fucking tunnel vision on the 90%, question EVERYTHING you eat and drink, because when done right diet can change your world!

Ash Yates


About the Author:

Born in 1979 I was lucky enough to grow up in an era when men could still be men, and the “feminisation” of the male species had not yet begun.

Joining the Australian Army at the tender age of 17 I was thrust into the testosterone fueled environment of an Infantry soldier. Being weak and sensitive was not only frowned upon, it was stamped out at all costs. There was absolutely NO place for sensitivity and your feelings! Training was always hard, and the drinking even harder.

After 8 years of service I then spent 13 years working in the worlds war torn shit holes (Iraq & Afghanistan). You can probably gather that by the way I have lived my adult life it is hard for me to comprehend the touchy feely environment in which society finds itself in today? I don’t believe in sugar coating anything or abiding by some garbage political correct party line.


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