Little key, heavy door

Little key, heavy door

March 04, 2020

“A very little key will open a very heavy door.”
― Charles Dickens, Hunted Down


We question everything, and you should too. If you’re doing front-flip burpees landing into a single leg pistol squat holding a kettlebell;

  1. Congratulations, thats actually quite impressive.
  2. Why? For attention, or results?

The consistent application of basic training principles is the little key. The heavy door is whatever your reason is for training the first place. Every locked door opens easily with the right key. You can hard-knock the bastard, breach your way through and get what you need. But in terms of longevity, that door is cactus. 

To that end, specificity is the key. Every single program we put out, we have trialed ourselves and as such, are intimately aware of the workload and intensity.

Three reasons to have your why sorted first, not last.

Reason one: Intensity. The intensity and layout of a program containing two workouts per day can be unachievable unless you are already at a significant level of strength & fitness. Why do you need to train twice a day in the first place?

Reason two: Injuries. If you are following a program that incorporates a workload beyond what is necessary, you are at a significantly higher risk of injury. And although this can be covered in periodisation, longevity is best achieved in the right doses. Our core intent is to strengthen people, not break them with snazzy, brutal looking workouts any muppet can write. Harder doesn't mean better.

Reason three: Results. Putting the previous two reasons together, we want to get a clearer picture of you, and your capabilities. Based on this we can make suggestions which will benefit you in the long run. Any clown with half a brain can write a workout that hurts and looks cool when you show your mates. Where we separate ourselves from the masses, we don’t give a toss about how cool some workout sounds, or looks on paper - all we care about is cold hard facts, results.

In our experience, performance and reporting bias is a real thing. Ask someone what their max push ups are on the spot, 99% of the time this will differ from the actual amount they are capable of. Take that one degree further, in self-report measures individuals incorrectly report their height and/or weight. Interesting stuff.

In closing we’ll leave you with one of our favourite quotes which sums up our point of view:

“Make improvements, not excuses. Seek respect, not attention.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart.


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